A group of brave Morecambe women have got their kit off for charity - and are hoping their bits will be a big hit.

The 12 pin ups want their poses to bring the cash rolling in for Cancer Research and Morecambe Royals FC

And the brazen beauties are not ashamed to admit they pinched the idea from the smash hit film Calendar Girls .

Organiser Yvonne Williams says: "I had to persuade a few girls to strip off - but everyone was up for it in the end and now we are hoping all the calendars will sell.

"We have had 1,000 printed and, although it's a little early in the year, I am sure people will want them because the money goes to good causes."

Yvonne's modesty as Miss April is covered only by two strategically-placed Easter eggs, while two cans of Guinness are all that prevent Miss March Ashley from revealing herself to admirers..

"It was great fun to have the pictures taken. I would like to thank all the girls and Gordon and Carol photography for their time," adds Yvonne.

The calendars cost £5 and are available from several shops around the Queen Street area of Morecambe.

Yvonne is on 07782-298012.