I RECENTLY read an article in the Evening Telegraph with regards to the new owners of Tiggis Restaurant in Blackburn wanting to create a pizza which reflects Blackburn. I would like to offer the following recipe.

The base is deluded Labour voters who seem more than content, or apathetic to have a third rate council. "I voted Labour all my life and won't change."

Thickly smeared with a self congratulatory council who listen and then proceed to do what the "executive" want with no regard for other peoples' opinion.

Generously sprinkled with councillors/ex-councillors who think that postal voting is a pretty neat idea; collect (literally) all the tokens and select a seat of your choosing.

Thin on democracy, overstuffed with propaganda but with no additives. There are no Es in Blackburn Council (think about it).

Blackburn Pizza owners Capita have not yet decided what to charge but you are assured that your pizza will rise by 10 per cent every year but diminish in size by the same percentage annually.

The Blackburn Pizza comes with a side order -- Darwen -- but let's ignore that and concentrate on the pizza.

At no extra cost Blackburn Pizza will be served at your table with a musical rendition of Send in the Clowns.

Council employees can use funds to purchase a Blackburn Pizza as long as the pizza is eaten in London at some meaningless event.

Fact finding missions to other pizza manufacturers will also be funded.

NIGEL AIREY, Essex Road, Rishton.