I WRITE following the letter 'Cyclists think they are special' (July 27). I enjoy cycling, but with two pre-school children, its not always practical.

I often walk into and around Lancaster, or use the bus, cycle (with a baby on the back of my bike) and occasionally have the use of our family car.

I have experienced courteous behaviour and rudeness from people in all modes of transport and can only conclude that some people are pretty obnoxious by nature, regardless of which mode of transport they use.

I think that having the experience of being a driver, a cyclist and a pedestrian makes me more aware of the presence of others. Maybe it would be helpful for drivers to get on a bike occasionally, or cyclists to walk on the Lancaster to Morecambe cycle path to make them a bit more considerate.

It could even be made compulsory for those taking a driving test to do a bit of cycling in order to get their driver's licence.

Jenni Brews, Lancaster.