I HAVE been reading in recent weeks about how development is planned in the Kingsway area of Lancaster - but I have not seen anything about how it is going to be made safe for the people who live there.

These developments will bring extra traffic into areas that are already unsafe for pedestrians,

It is not possible for pedestrians from Newton to walk into the city centre without putting their lives at risk - in fact during peak times there is no safe way to walk off Newton.

It is not safe to cross Bulk Road from the end of Langdale Road, you cannot cross the bottom of Ridge Lane and you cannot even use the footpath provided to the point where Bulk Road joins Caton Road to cross there.

When the Kingsway development is complete, pedestrians including children are going to want to cross from Bulk and Newton to visit the new shops. How many are going to die before crossings are provided?

Crossings are needed now, not when more people have died!

Ms L C Chapman Lancaster.