DEAR MASSI,I am having problems at work and dont know what to do for the best.

I joined the company after being interviewed and accepted by a very nice woman and I thought it was going to be great.

The problem is that there is a man who reports to her who is my immediate boss and he has taken against me from the start.

He is forever criticising what I've done, work wise but he goes further than that, criticising what I wear, the way I look.

He runs me down so much and so often in front of other people that I am losing confidence and its getting to the point that I can't do anything.

Other members of staff have told me that he's doing it to get back at the woman who appointed me because she was promoted over him. But what can I do?




Although there is a risk that things might go against you, if this mans bullying (for thats what it is) is known and recognised by others then don't be so certain

Unfortunately it takes someone to stand up to a bully before anything is done. Why not ask to speak to the person who interviewed you - she has a lot to lose too, you know.

If you explain the facts (and dont mention you know of the animosity between them) then I am sure you will get a fair hearing.

If you feel you cant face that alone, then why not see if you can get some of your colleagues to back you? You should also keep a diary of each and every incident that occurs.

If it ever got to the point of a disciplinary procedure against him, your diary could be useful evidence.

If you need more help you might like to contact The Andrea Adams Trust. The Trust runs a confidential helpline - 01273 704900 - on issues like workplace bullying. and is open from 10am-4pm Monday-Friday.