I COULD not believe what I was reading when I read the story (LET, July 25) about Mr Shaun Browne, an American, who had flown 5,300 miles to put his plans before Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council's Planning Committee only to have been told you cannot speak at the meeting because you have not requested to speak (I assumed he should have put this in writing).

An associate of Mr Browne replied: "That's why your town is such a shambles." Goodness knows what impressions he got of Blackburn to make these remarks!

I have heard of people attending meetings at the town hall before and not being allowed to speak, in fact, they have told me themselves.

It is high time this council got rid of its pompous and bigoted attitude/ It is time they started listening to people then maybe we would not have such a shambles of a town, then we may even gain city status.

Not all the brains are down at the town hall. I am ashamed and disgusted at how this American gentleman has been treated. I hope he won't think too badly of us.

H HAMER, Lowther Place, Blackburn.