FURTHER to your article regarding the proposed river crossing for the Ribble Way (LET, July 15).

The Ramblers Association first asked for a single span, traditional style, footbridge across the River Ribble almost 20 years ago to take the route of the way-marked trail -- the Ribble Way, along the edge of the river and so avoiding the walk along the busy B6243 and B6246 to Mitton Bridge. Many of your readers will know that these roads are busy and have no pavements so making them particularly dangerous for walkers.

A decision to progress the bridge was taken and provision made in the 1991/92 Capital Programme to fund the project. It was Lancashire County Council who suggested the very futuristic and expensive three-legged bridge at a site further down the river and spent hundreds of man hours and many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of pounds, on consultant fees and designer fees. The Ramblers Association and the general public were repeatedly told that the council were committed to providing this bridge despite delays at County Hall.

We now learn that funding is no longer available and the bridge will not be built. There is not the political will to complete this project despite 20 years of promises and talk of commitment from LCC.

It is not many years ago when the rural community of Lancashire was badly hit when the countryside was "closed" due to the foot and mouth outbreak. The importance of visitors and walker to bed and breakfast establishments, cafes, farm shops, craft shops etc., suddenly became very apparent. I feel that Lancashire County Council in their failure to promote this beautiful walking trail and to provide a bridge across the river have betrayed not only walkers and visitors to the area, but local businesses and business people.

SUSAN BAXENDALE, Area Secretary, Ramblers Association, Blackburn Road, Clayton-le-Moors.