Preston youngsters have been educating shoppers about crime prevention.

Pupils from Kingsfold Community Primary School have been handing out crime prevention packs to shoppers at Booths supermarket in Penwortham to promote their Peace of Mind While You're Away on Holiday project.

The packs contain crime prevention leaflets, stickers, security marker pens and a card produced by the children wishing customers a safe and happy holiday.

As part of the project the year five pupils produced posters to support the scheme and all received Crimebeat certificates from the police for their efforts.

It comes after a six-month dispersal order was put on the Kingsfold area in February, under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act, after complaints from residents about intimidating groups of young people gathering there.

The order gives the police the power to disperse groups of people who could cause members of the public to feel intimidated or harassed. When youth involvement officer, PC Kay Stephenson, explained the reasons behind the action pupils at the school decided to do something for their community.

They are also wearing wristbands to supporting the multi-partnership Operation Summer Nights, backed by the Citizen, which aims to tackle and prevent anti-social behaviour during the summer months.

Acting inspector Anne White said: "Over the last three months there has been a reduction of offences by 26 per cent compared to the same period last year. Long daylight hours can lead to offences of this type and most of these are often committed by young people who are out later in the evening."

Throughout the holidays the anti-social behaviour officer from the community safety partnership, together with PC Greg Sloan and police community support officer, Sandra Sanders, have organised a host of activities for children of all ages including a number of fishing trips and weekly hip hop music workshops.

For details call PC Sloan on 01772 747217.