WHEN Santa creeps into the Richards household tomorrow he'll have no doubt what to leave in the stockings for young Theo and Alex.

They have been driving their mum crackers by singing the ditty 'All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth' after the tooth fairies decided it was time for their teeth to go.

It all started when five year old Theo lost a bottom front tooth and six year old Alex lost a top front tooth.

Then the Trawden CP School pupils decided to do the double and lost their remaining teeth on the same day.

Mum Sue, of Aspley Grove, Trawden, said: "They think its funny because they are quite cheeky boys. Theo was anxious to tell everybody and rang his grandma up specially.

"They have left their teeth under their pillows for the tooth fairies, but they don't think Father Christmas will be able to provide them with shiny new ones. Instead Alex has asked for a Scalextric and Theo wants a bike with stabilisers."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.