A COURAGEOUS youngster who died from cancer will be remembered at a service for people who have suffered the loss of a child.

For the second year, the Rev John Corbyn, of St Gabriel's, Blackburn, is holding a Holy Innocents service on Thursday, 7pm, in which those who have died in childhood are remembered.

Last year, worshippers travelled from Accrington and beyond to take part in the service.

Mr Corbyn said: "To lose a baby is a devastating experience which many carry for the rest of their lives. For those who suffer such loss, there is often a deep sense of emptiness. The pain of this loss is often heightened at Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, and when children and childhood are to the fore in our minds.

"At this service we will remember those whose lives have come to such an untimely end, and pray for their families and friends. Earlier this year, as a parish community, we suffered the loss of Philip Salmon at the age of 11. We will remember Philip at this service."

Philip died at his home in Parsonage Road, Wilpshire, Blackburn, in April, 15 months after contracting a rare incurable form of cancer.

Further information on the service is available from Mr Corbyn on 01254-248430.

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