THE Prince's Trust Volunteers are looking for enthusiastic people to take part in a 12-week personal development programme.

The course, open to people aged between 16 and 25, will take place from the organisation's offices at the YMCA in Blackburn.

A spokesman said that, as one of The Prince's Trusts, their aim is to develop young people through teamwork in the community.

"We provide an opportunity for them to work within a team, made up from a cross section of society and make an active and lasting contribution to the local community," she added.

The course consists of a team building residential stay, a community project, a three-week voluntary work placement, a final team challenge identified, financed and planned by the team, first aid and fire safety training, and finally a team presentation performed in front of a selected audience.

Everyone who completes the course leaves with a City & Guilds Profile of Achievement, but the main emphasis is on the ability to understand and work with others.

Travel expenses will be paid and anyone unemployed for more than six months may be entitled to an extra £10 on top of any benefits.

Anyone interested should contact Susie O'Hagan on 01254 682896 and the course will commence on Monday, January 8.

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