NEW Euro laws could bring a New Year's order boost to a fast growing firm.

The Granville Technology Group is hoping the legislation which comes into force next month will lead to more work.

The new rules mean that all makers of electronic equipment must have their products tested to ensure they meet electromagnetic radiation levels.

Tests will have to prove the products do not emit radiation that interferes with other equipment. But the cost of the sophisticated equipment needed to test the products mean that many smaller firms may be unable to continue manufacturing.

Granville, which recently invested £1.5 million in a computer assembly facility at its Simonstone site, is now offering smaller players in the industry assembly and testing.

"We have invested in an expensive laboratory as part of our recent expansion," said Granville's quality assurance manager Joe Alexander.

"The tests required under the EC laws are tricky and expensive for smaller companies but once our manufacturing facility is running at full capacity we should be able to produce systems on behalf of these firms."

The Granville Technology Group - launched eight years ago in a Blackburn corner shop - is this year expected to see turnover break £100 million.

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