THE GRIM finding by this newspaper today that, in East Lancashire, scores of unfortunate children with special needs are waiting up to two years for therapy needs to be addressed by more than resigned acknowledgment of the harsh laws of supply and demand.

The waiting list's enormous length might be explained by a chronic shortage of occupational therapists specialising in paediatrics and by the recruitment difficulties experienced by the provider health trusts.

But that should not be regarded as a fixed situation.

Instead it needs to be regarded as one that should be addressed from a strategic standpoint nationally.

There should be a drive, funded and led by the Department of Health, to create more posts, boost recruitment and training and to make the profession more attractive.

The right response, surely, is not to bemoan the shortage, but to get rid of it - as urgently as possible.

This is especially so when little children are having to wait up to two years for vital help.

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