IT WAS a cracking Christmas day for little Rachel Smith - but one she came so close to missing.

Today Rachel, pictured with her mum, is enjoying all the good things Christmas brings, especially the pram and dolly promised by Santa.

Last week three-year-old Rachel was desperately fighting for life in hospital, stricken by the killer disease meningitis.

Thanks to the vigilance of her parents and the skill of Burnley hospital medical staff, Rachel survived the deadly virus.

Five days ago a 17-month-old Burnley toddler died, the second young meningitis fatality in the town in three months.

Rachel's mum and dad, Arlene and Graham Smith, of Hollins Road, Nelson fully realise how lucky they were.

They had called out the GP for the second time in two hours after their daughter's condition rapidly worsened - her temperature soared, she hallucinated and she couldn't bear to be touched.

In hospital they spent an agonising 12 hours before doctors were able to tell them their little girl was safe. "It was the best Christmas present we could ever have had," said Arlene, 33.

At a time of year when cases of meningitis, known as the cold weather killer, reach a peak, Arlene's advice to other parents echoes that of health chiefs: "If you are worried, don't hesitate. Call out the doctor at once."

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