GOALS, or rather the lack of them, were Alan Ball's concern once again as Manchester City slipped deeper into trouble at Ewood last night.

"I feel sorry for my lads because they are not getting what they deserve," said a frustrated City boss.

"They are not getting the goal to hang on to and when you don't get it, all our football counts for nothing.

"I am saying it after every game. Chances, chances, chances - yet we have only scored 10 times all season.

"And that's the problem.

"Shearer's was a fabulous goal," conceded the Maine Road chief. "But you can't expect Batty to hit one out of the screws like that.

"Everybody worked hard, the way we kept possession and our passing was smashing.

"We just didn't take our chances though and I feel very sorry for a lot of my lads because they deserved more than they got.

"Batty scores his first goal for Blackburn from there and we have had chances in the six yard box, snatching at them, missing them.

"All your possession and passing and hard work means nothing when you don't have that goal to hang on to.

"Football is an incredible game, because goals change people, they change crowds and they change everything.

"You have only seen a one-sided game in the last quarter of an hour.

"When the champions of England get two in front, they should turn it on and, in fairness, Blackburn did.

"Other than that, we have contributed to an excellent game on an excellent surface but we have been beaten again.

"We haven't scored from a free kick or a corner all season."

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