RESIDENTS from Blackpool's Grange Park are to see in the New Year with a £10,000 community grant.

The award has been given to the estate's community association for a number of projects to boost the economic regeneration of the area.

From its offices in Dinmore Avenue, the association will offer a credit union, encouraging residents to save regularly and offering them access to low-interest loans, as well as a local area trading scheme enabling people on low income to pay for goods and services - not with cash but in return for their own skills.

In addition, a skills training centre, homework centre and job club will be set up elsewhere on the estate.

Grange Park is one of the largest council housing estate in the North West with more than 3,000 properties and the initiative will benefit up to 7,000 residents.

The money has come from British Telecom's Community Programme Award. Half will be used to buy five computers to handle the administration of the schemes, the rest to set up a charity shop, equip a tool library and promote the credit union and LETS scheme.

Association chiefs are delighted with the award and co-ordinator Maureen Browne said: "We aim to improve quality of life in the estate by bringing opportunities and assistance to as many residents as possible.

"The backing from BT will enable us to tackle a number of issues, some of which like the credit union and LETS scheme will be firsts in Blackpool."

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