THE future of Fylde town centres has been safeguarded with the dismissal of plans to build two out-of-town superstores.

That's the belief of shop owners and council chiefs who have hailed the Department of the Environment's decision as a great victory.

Applications by Designaim Developments and Guardian Assurance to build on land to the rear of Preston Road in Lytham and north of Regent Avenue, St Annes, had previously been turned down by Fylde Borough Council.

Now the planning inspectorate has ruled the proposals would undermine the vitality and viability of St Annes.

The inspectorate's report says the superstores would bring back trade which has been lost to Blackpool and Preston.

However, it did not feel this was enough to compensate for the adverse retail aspect on St Annes town centre and dismissed the appeals. The news has been met with delight in the local community.

John Strong from Lytham Chamber of Trade commented: "It's a victory for common sense.

"The superstores could only have done harm. We don't want or need a superstore and it was just the decision we were looking for."

Bill Thompson, chairman of Fylde's planning committee, added: "We put a lot of effort and money into dealing with this and we are delighted it has been justified.

"Had just one of the proposals been approved it would have been disastrous for St Annes, Lytham and Ansdell."

A third appeal is due to be heard in June against the decision to turn down an application for a smaller superstore at the Stanways site on the outskirts of Lytham.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.