AS FAR as young Thomas Howarth's family and friends are concerned, there WAS a miracle this Christmas.

Just a few short weeks ago no-one would have believed it possible for proud mum Brenda Howarth to be watching Thomas in his school nativity play surrounded by his school pals.

In October, Thomas had his skull fractured in an horrific road accident and spent a critical 48 hours in intensive care after being struck by a car just yards from his home on Park View, Lytham.

He had been on his way to a cubs meeting and the brave nine-year-old had to spend three weeks in Royal Preston Hospital.

Now he has made a speedy recovery and marked his comeback at St John's CE School by reading passages from the Bible in a carol service and nativity play.

Brenda said: "Thomas is 99 per cent better and was delighted to take part in the play. It was a lovely moment for me to see him up there after all he's been through over the past two months and he really enjoyed himself.

"He's been back at school for two weeks now and I never thought he would be so glad to get back."

Another parent at the school said: "It was a lovely service and a very emotional time. Thomas's mum was in tears at the end."

Headteacher Michael Eatough said: "There wasn't time for Thomas to be chosen for a leading role in the play, but he had quite a major Bible reading part and did extremely well considering what he has been through.

"It was a great night for everybody, especially Thomas and his parents."

Donal O'Toole, headteacher at St Peter's RC School, Lytham, who was driving the car which collided with Thomas, said: "I'm very pleased he has made such good progress in such a short space of time.

"I hope his next school outing is with the football team, who we will be playing in February."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.