ROOKIE law students have forced university bosses into a U-turn on campus security using their newly-found skills.

Budding legal eagle Steve Guy, 28, from Blackpool, and 19-year-old classmate Stephen Ladhams, from Kendal, heard night security cover at their University of Central Lancashire halls of residence (Roeburn Hall) was to end when students broke up for the Christmas break.

So the bright pair, who started studying for a law degree just a couple of months ago, decided to do something about it.

Steve, a former pupil at Arnold School, explained: "We were told through information received from the university that our hall would be protected during the holidays, but we heard from the security guards that their contracts were up before Christmas."


Luckily, the pair had just been studying misrepresentation in lectures when the security issue arose.

"We thought we had a case so we took it to one of our law lecturers who agreed with us," said Steve. "We got up a petition with 325 signatures on it and complained to the students' union and the vice-chancellor. Now we've heard the guards are to be kept on and we're really pleased about it."

The security guards' short-term contracts were due to come to an end when the students went home for Christmas, but thanks to the boys' efforts they will now be kept on during the holiday and beyond.

Stephen added: "Some of us have a lot of expensive equipment here - after all it is our home for the next three years.

"There are a lot of foreign students who have equipment such as videos, cameras and hi-fi's. It wasn't fair on them or the security guards."

University bosses claim that if students don't go home they will provide security cover, but the students say this is missing the point.

"If nobody is here there's no cover - but that's the time we need it most," said Steve.

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