TINY towers have become the latest talking point for the townsfolk of Darwen.

The last miniature model of Darwen's best-loved landmark has been fitted on the new black metal railings along the A666.

And dozens of inquiries have been made by people wanting one of the novel creations for their home.

The council's town centre manager Paul Isherwood said: "Since the first tower was put in place by our operations department people have been stopping to admire them and asking where they can buy them.

"We were keen to do something special that would tie in with the centenary of the real Darwen Tower next year. We're delighted our idea is popular with local people."

The railings are now to be extended to include the area outside Greenwood's outfitters. The council are also considering ordering a special batch of the tiny gold towers to sell as ornaments.

Anybody interested in buying a miniature tower, which could be available by spring, should contact Bill Haworth on 585409.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.