A RUSSIAN man is desperately seeking help from former friends in Leigh in a bid to foil the secret police.

He has made an emotional Christmas appeal - fervently hoping to bridge a near 50-year gap.

As winter snow settles over St Petersburg, the mystery man, who signs himself W Juchniewiez, wrote to Leigh police asking for their help in tracking down Nyngar Voldemar (also spelt Nungar Woldemar).

They lived in the same Miners Hostel in Leigh in 1949.

Mr Juchniewiez hopes old friends can turn Santa Claus and make a festive reunion possible for the old pals.

He needs to contact his old friend, he says, after previous attempts to contact him failed through KGB interference.

With Russian authorities demanding proof, Juchniewiez must prove he was working in mines in England and hopes Nyngar will come forward and confirm his work.

In his letter, he writes: "My friend was born in 1928. His father Nyngar was in the operating staff of this hostel. His mother worked at the medical service.

"I need confirmation of my work at the mines of England. I left for the USSR in 1949 after disablement as a result of an accident disease due to work.

"I was imprisoned and completely isolated by the political police.

"The KGB opened and destroyed my letters sent to England, so I couldn't inquire earlier, but I need confirmation very much!

"Nungar Voldemar was my friend and he can be the witness of my work and illness. I request you to help me."

If you can help, write to Mr Juchniewiez at 6 Peter Smorodin Street, Apt 94, St Petersburg 195248, Russia.

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