"Christmas is a time for children and we will be thinking of the all children especially those in hospital at this time.

"We also remember the children from Chernobyl who visited Preston recently, and in particular young Denis who had the heart operation. That operation was possible thanks to the enormous generosity of so many people in the town and on behalf of the little lad, we thank you all.

"It is also a time to remember the elderly and we must not forget those who are alone, without someone to share the festivities. 1995 saw the 50th anniversary commemorations of VE and VJ day and we thank all those involved.

"During the year we have met many warm and friendly people and we thank you all for making us feel so welcome. We hope 1996 brings an end to hostilities in the world and a long and lasting peace. Finally we wish you, the people of Preston a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year."

Councillor Terry Cartwright, Mayor of Preston.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.