ORVILLE, the Peking Duck, might be the baby of Preston's panto Aladdin but dinky dancer Michaela Hayes won the hearts of the audience.

Six-year-old Michaela took to the stage to a chorus of oohs and aahs as the smallest performer in the Heather Fitchett Juveniles Dance team.

The young star enchanted the audience, accompanying Keith Harris and Orville to the lively Blues Brothers number as well as scores of Japanese dances.

But Michaela is no stranger to the frantic and nerve-racking atmosphere of an opening night, as she first began performing at the age of three.

Mum, Cindy, of Fishwick Parade, said Michaela first starred in a Hans Christian Anderson production at Blackpool as a little duckling and in Madame Butterfly at the Charter Theatre during the summer.

She said: "Every audition Michaela has gone to she has taken the stage by storm and has wanted all the attention."

Michaela, who goes to St Teresa's Primary School in Penwortham, has two sisters, Nicole, four, and Amy, three, who are also hoping to follow in her footsteps.

Michaela said: "I don't get nervous before a performance. And it was great to meet Orville and Cuddles."

Cindy added: "We are really proud of her and I would like to thank all her dance teachers for looking after her."

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