THE new year is approaching fast and people everywhere are thinking of how they can change for the better in '96. Our local leaders and celebrities are all making new year resolutions. And for Hyndburn's MP Greg Pope its the same resolution he's tried to keep for the last three years at least!

Once again Mr Pope has vowed to give up smoking and bring down the Government. He laughed: "I'll leave it to your imagination which one I'll achieve."

Hyndburn's Mayor Councillor Jean Battle said she doesn't usually make new year resolutions but will try not to put on any weight.

Said Mrs Battle: "I do have some hopes for 96. I'd like to see peace in Northern Ireland and Bosnia and plenty of cash coming Hyndburn's way."

Blackburn's Mayor Councillor Maureen Bateson is looking forward to seeing the positive effects of the recent major changes in local government structure.

She said: "I hope home rule for Blackburn will bring about health, wealth and prosperity to everybody in the borough. I would also like to see more care, compassion and understanding between the different sections of our community.

"On a personal note I'm looking forward to becoming a grandmother again in 96. And I'm praying my chauffeur will improve his driving!"

Rovers for the cup and an early election is what Blackburn's MP Jack Straw is hoping for.

He said: "My new year resolution is to be more polite to MPs who try to call Blackburn Rovers for their varied performance."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.