JENNIE Greenwood's Christmas has been ruined by a heartless conman who stole her purse, pension money and £10 Christmas bonus.

The fraudster conned his way into 80-year-old Jennie's home in Plungington on Thursday afternoon last week. He claimed he was from the council.

He said he had come to work in her back garden and asked for a knife. But when she returned the man had vanished - and so had her money.

He took her purse with more than £100 in it and her £10 Christmas bonus.

Jennie said: "I couldn't believe how quick the thief was. I was very shaken when I realised my purse had gone. When I think about it I get very nervous."

Jennie's two sons are helping her out with extra money over Christmas.

The conman who was in his mid 30s, with dark hair and sharp features, wearing a dark anorak.

The police are warning people - especially the elderly - to be extra careful before letting people into their homes.

Paul Gooch, Preston Crime Prevention Sgt, said: "The season of good will and peace to all men is rapidly approaching but unfortunately not everyone thinks this way. Criminals will still be looking for the easy opportunity to target vulnerable people."

Before letting anyone into your house the police are urging people to remember the following rules:

Make sure the chain is on;

if you have a spy hole use it or look through the window;

ask for an identification card and read it and

if you are in any doubt do not let the person in.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.