RADIO DJ Bob Roberts was nursing a dislocated shoulder today after chasing two intruders who broke into his station while he was presenting his late night show.

The raiders, one wearing a balaclava, smashed open the front doors of BBC Radio Lancashire studios in Darwen Street, Blackburn, and leaped over the reception desk. But they fled when Bob ran out of his studio to confront them.

Bob got as far as the front doors himself when he skidded on the icy steps, fell heavily and dislocated his elbow.

But he staggered back into the studio before the record he had left playing ended and then told his listeners: "I'm sorry if I sound a bit out of breath. It's because I've just been chasing a couple of burglars."

At his home in Preston, Bob, 49, said: "I don't think anyone believed me. One listener telephoned to say he thought I was a real wag. "I didn't feel any pain after I fell. I didn't know I'd dislocated my elbow. In fact I didn't feel too bad when I came off air but today I'm covered in bumps and bruises. Looking back I suppose it was a bit daft chasing them. I keep thinking what would I have done if I had caught them.

"I just acted instinctively. I was halfway through my programme when I heard this almighty crash. I looked through the studio window into the reception area and saw these two characters leaping over the desk.

"I just ran out instinctively and they took to their heels. I ran after them but skidded on the ice and came cropper. It was then I realised I was still on air so I dashed back to the studio. Fortunately I'd put an eight minute record on so I got back before it finished."

The station's security guard, who was in another part of the building, heard the commotion and called the police.

He said: "I've been doing this late night programme for more than six years and nothing like this has ever happened before. Ironically my programme comes to an end this weekend - but I don't think those two had come to wish me all the best for the future."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.