SURGEONS battling to save the life of an 11-year-old boy savaged by two Rottweiller dogs have had to amputate most of his left leg.

David Kearney, of Broad Gate, Darwen was savaged by the dogs as he tried to retrieve a football from a back yard in Redearth Road last Saturday.

Now surgeons at Booth Hall Children's Hospital in Manchester have had to amputate his left leg from above the knee to save his life after gangrene set it.

David was so mauled by the dogs his mother Margaret didn't recognise her son when she saw him in hospital. His brother Kevin, 18, said: "There was no choice they had to take his leg off.

"The doctors said he had gangrene and it could have killed him."

Kevin said his parents have kept a beside vigil at the hospital since David was savaged by the dogs which belonged to Kevin Turner, of Redearth Road.

Mr Turner had the dogs, Jet and Sam, destroyed following the incident.

Kevin said David is now conscious but heavily sedated in the intensive care unit at the hospital.

He added: "He hasn't said anything yet but he knows we have been there." His sister Amanda, 14, said: "My dad was holding his hand and told him to open his eyes or squeeze him if he could hear him.

"He tried to push on his hand with his thumb."

David was due back in surgery today to check on skin grafts carried out earlier this week."

Meanwhile pub-goers have raised £130 for the family to help meet transport costs to the hospital.

Regulars from the Railway Hotel, Railway Road, Darwen have dug deep to raise the cash.

Landlord, Mick McCarroll said: "It is such a shame what has happened to this poor lad - especially at Christmas.

"We just hope this money can help his family."

And the locals are hoping to build on the total with a sponsored tug of war across the River Darwen.

Rival teams from the Ellenshaw pub, in Kay Street, and the Railway will compete to raise cash for David and his family on January 14.

Anyone who wants to donate cash to the appeal or sponsor the teams should contact the pubs.

Hospital sources said David was "poorly but stable" earlier today.

The police are preparing a file to send to the Crown Prosecution Service who will decide whether the dogs' owner should face charges.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.