A BURNLEY engineering company is to feature in an exhibition which will tour China to promote the best of British aerospace technology.

Hurel-Dubois UK has been chosen to be part of the tour, which is backed by the British Council and is due to be launched by Department of Trade and Industry minister Anthony Nelson next month.

The tour could give Hurel-Dubois a foothold in the rapidly expanding Chinese market.

Mr Nelson said: "As the Chinese economy expands so will the demand for ever greater air transport capacity.

"It is estimated that 70 airport projects in China are in progress or about to be started over the next five years.

"Passenger demand in China has risen from four million in 1981 to 40 million in 1994. Which other market can offer the same level of opportunity?"

The "Take Off" exhibition, which will promote 50 companies, will demonstrate the many areas of British aerospace excellence, including education and training, research and development, engine and aircraft manufacture, and repair and maintenance.

Mr Nelson added: "This exciting exhibition will succeed because the British aerospace industry is one of only four such industries in the world capable of research, design and development, final assembly and flight testing.

"Through partnerships with Britain, China will gain access to the most advanced technology in the world. It is important that this message should be spread throughout the regional aerospace centres in China."

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