Christmas came early for shopper Peggy Green when she jetted off with her family for a trip of a lifetime to Santa's home in Lapland.

Peggy, from Burnley, was accompanied on her fantastic journey north by her daughter Shirley, son-in-law Jan and son David.

She entered a competition organised by Darwen Town Centre Association in conjunction with the Lancashire Evening Telegraph, Co-op Travelcare and Airtours, while out shopping in Darwen with her daughter.

Peggy, co-owner of Treetops residential home, Padiham, said: "When we arrived the guide said it was a record minus 32 degrees, but I had extra jumpers and two pairs of gloves and although it was very cold if you were wrapped up it was very pleasant."

Santa put in an appearance and was mobbed by children, but he managed to give Peggy a special early Christmas present of a reindeer bell.

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