THE family and friends of a taxi driver who suffered a double brain haemorrhage have been given a ray of hope as he shows signs of recovery.

Craig Yates, 26, of Gordon Street, Darwen, was taken unconscious to Blackburn Royal Infirmary in last month after crashing his car and was sent home two days later.

His family say he was told to take some aspirin to ease the pain but a scan nearly a week later showed he had suffered the haemorrhage.

Craig, a driver for Chippy's in Darwen, was taken to the Royal Preston Hospital for treatment but suffered a second haemorrhage soon after his arrival.

An urgent inquiry was launched into the case by health bosses.

He has since undergone surgery and was on a life support machine. This week, however, he has shown signs of recovery.

His condition is still described as "poorly but stable" by hospital staff but he has been awake and is responding to treatment.

His sister, Lorraine Holden, said today: "He woke up on Saturday and is breathing with the help of a ventilator.

"He seems to be recognising his family and we are delighted with the progress he is making, every day seems a little better.

"Craig is also responding to physiotherapy and surgeons believe he could make a full recovery, though it may take up to a year."

Later this week Craig's family hope to have a quiet Christmas party with him and give him his presents.

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