A DAY of festive celebrations turned into a night of misery when a pensioner returned home to find her house had been burgled.

Thieves struck at the home of Kathleen McGurk, 72, between 2pm and 8pm while she was out enjoying Christmas Day with the rest of her family.

They forced open the window of her house in North Road, Blackburn, which is protected with window locks and outdoor lights, and they took her radio and video.

Eleanor McLaughlin, Kathleen's daughter, was with her mother when they discovered the theft and thinks they might have disturbed the thieves.

"We heard a thumping before we went in, but didn't think anything of it," said Eleanor. "And when when we got inside we noticed that the video and radio were missing."

Eleanor spent most of Christmas night with her mother as she was frightened of being alone. The doctor has now given her tranquillisers to keep her calm.

"It was terrible," said Kathleen. "I don't know how they have the heart to do these things. It ruined my Christmas and I don't think I'll ever get over it. "They must have seen us leaving the house and broken in then. They always seem to pick on pensioners.

"I'm frightened of being on my own now, but I think I've been very lucky. These lads sometimes carry knives and you see pensioners with their faces slashed or worse."

Anyone who may have heard the thieves or has any information should contact Blackburn Police on 01254 51212.

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