POLICE bosses are giving the people of Lancashire the chance to see how their police force has been performing.

And, despite encouraging results for the 1994/95 year, they have stressed that they are still trying to improve the quality of service.

The performance indicators are being published to comply with the Local Government Act 1992, which requires forces to make the information available to the public.

During 1994/95 there were 19,721 incidents per 100 officers, compared to 19,176 the previous year.

Of 999 calls, 87 per cent were answered within 10 seconds (91 per cent) and 96 per cent of incidents requiring immediate response were attended within 15 minutes ( 97 per cent).

The number of people satisfied with police performance dealing with 999 calls rose to 86 per cent from 81 per cent the previous year. The number of white people stopped and searched by police rose from five per thousand in 1993/94 to seven in 1994/95.

The figure for ethnic minorities rose from seven per thousand to nine per thousand.

There were 76 crimes per thousand of the population during 1994/95 and 34 per cent were detected.

More than 73 per cent of violent crime was cleared up and 36 per cent of burglary was detected.

Chief Constable Pauline Clare said: "The facts and figures reveal that Lancashire Constabulary has performed well.

"Obviously, there will be occasions when we, as a force, fall short of some of the targets we set.

"But we will always endeavour to provide the best service we can."

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