HEALTH food stallholder Peter Barnes has got just the answer for seasonal excesses - a sarsaparilla hangover cure.

Peter, of Walsh's health food and drink stall on Blackburn's three-day market, is always kept busy at this time of year bringing hangover relief to Christmas party-goers who have over-indulged on festive spirit.

His cure is made from a secret blend of bitters which he adds to his home-made sarsaparilla and claims is a guaranteed cure for a hangover.

He explains: "I make it all year round but I am always kept busier at this time of year.

"It doesn't taste very nice but it does work.

"The bitters help warm the stomach and to settle it.

"I have some people who buy a glass every week but then I get new customers crawling up to the counter at this time of year.

"Fortunately I don't suffer from hangovers so I don't need it."

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