WITH just a few weeks to go before Blackburn's struggle for power is finally decided, members of the public have a last chance to make their voices heard.

Local Government Commissioners made their final recommendations on December 19, and now the public has around four weeks left for any last minute lobbying.

Commissioners say Blackburn and Blackpool should be completely independent from Lancashire County Council, taking control of all services currently delivered at county and district level - with the exception of police, fire, and part of education.

The two boroughs would run all other services independently, including social services and libraries.

The final decision rests with Environment Secretary John Gummer who is expected to make an announcement in mid-January.

Letters for or against the move for unitary status should be addressed to: The Secretary of State for the Environment, Local Government I Division, Department of the Environment, Room N7/20, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 3EB.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.