SNOW is poised to sweep across East Lancashire during the weekend, forecasters predicted today.

Blizzard-like conditions are expected to cause havoc on Saturday with the big chill tightening its grip.

But an end to the cold snap is in sight with milder Weather creeping in on Sunday and New Year's Day.

Temperatures plunged to -9 last night as people spluttered their way to work today.

And a spokesman at Manchester Weather Centre said the snow would reach East Lancashire by mid-morning tomorrow.

He said: "A moderate snowfall is likely although a strong easterly wind will cause blizzard-like conditions in some Pennine areas.

"The snow will slowly turn to sleet and rain before a slow thaw sets in during the evening."

He said Sunday would become milder with a mixture of cloud and rain.

The AA said the number of breakdowns across the UK had soared as thousands of motorists fell victim to frozen engines and flat batteries.

Plunging temperatures had in many cases left the usual mixture of one-third anti-freeze and two-thirds water inadequate to fend off the cold.

AA patrols had found engines seized without any anti-freeze.

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