NOEL the duck is recovering well after a daring rescue by the blue-fingered watch of the fire brigade.

The white duck was stranded on an iced-over reservoir at Wilpshire Golf Club when the call for help arrived at Blackburn fire station.

Leading fire-fighter Phil Whittaker said: "He was stuck to the ice by his feathers. Someone else had tried to free him but couldn't manage it."

The fire brigade spent 45 minutes planning their rescue mission, considering several options.

"We thought about using the turntable ladder but realised we wouldn't be able to get a good hold.

"Then we had a rope across the reservoir with the intention of easing him out of his predicament," added Mr Whittaker.

But finally, intrepid firefighter Dave Russell was called upon after a bout of inspiration by the crew.

"We built a raft and sent Dave out towards the duck. He had to break the ice as he went along but finally managed to rescue him."

Norma Ashton, manager at the Altham centre, nicknamed the duck Noel because of the festive season.

She said: "He seems pretty perky now and he's not injured. We'll let him rest a while and release him in a few days.

"The fire brigade did a terrific job as he probably would have died if he hadn't been freed from the ice."

Accrington firemen were called when a swan became stranded in a frozen canal in Rishton - but it managed to finally free itself as they prepared the rescue.

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