ANGRY taxi drivers in Pendle have gone on strike and taken their vehicles off the roads.

The cabbies are protesting at police spot checks on their vehicles last night - one of their busiest times of the week.

Anyone trying to ring for a taxi in Nelson or Colne today was greeted with an engaged tone.

It is though the strike was due to last until late this afternoon when attempts were being made to organise a "peace'' meeting.

The taxis and private hire vehicles were pulled off the road leaving drinkers stranded at pubs and clubs throughout the district.

Many who got through to the taxi offices were told about the strike and advised that if they wanted a taxi to ring the police.

Insp Les Martin said today: "I am told officers were looking at taxis during yesterday evening as part of the continual look at vehicle and road safety. "Vehicles have to be safe just as much on a Friday night as they have to be on a Monday or Tuesday morning.''

Insp Martin added: "For some reason the taxi drivers have said that anyone wanting a taxi should ring the police.

"That has just inconvenienced everyone. Here in the control room at Colne police station we deal with emergency calls for the whole of the area.

"If you have officers answering telephone calls about taxis others might be at risk.''

A spokesman for one Nelson taxi firm said: "Every single one is on strike.

"There are some checks going on and police were pulling cars off the road at a busy time at night.

"We are protesting that this was being done at one of our busiest times rather than at some other quieter time during the week.''

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.