A TEXTILE company has been given six weeks to clean up its act or face prosecution.

Burnley Council has continually received complaints of smells coming from Cloverbrook Ltd, on Gannow Lane, and has even had reports from drivers using the M65.

The public protection committee heard the latest was a petition containing 17 signatures and several individual letters.

They relate to an odour described as a burnt paraffin smell which has prevented residents from using their gardens and yards and opening windows.

The Peel Mill site consists of a major textile dyeing, printing and finishing factory which became operational in late 1994 and was originally on two sites outside Burnley.

Officers reported that an electrofilter, installed by the company to reduce smells, had failed and a scrubber had now been installed to deal with the fumes.

Councillors agreed that officers should continue to hold talks with the company.

They decided that if the situation is not resolved satisfactorily after six weeks, a notice should be served under the Environmental Protection Act.

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