THERE cannot be many native Britons who are not deeply disturbed at the prospect of eight or nine million Hong Kong Chinese having right of entry to this grossly over-populated country, courtesy of John Major and the lunatic policies pursued by our three main political parties who share equal culpability.

Successive governments have already introduced millions of people into Britain without consulting the native inhabitants who have without doubt suffered as a result.

Oppressive legislation has consequently been introduced as a means of preventing urgent public debate on what is a matter of vital national and social importance.

As the quality of life continues to rapidly deteriorate for native Britons, this responsibility has to be assumed by those responsible for our plight - which is government itself. In this context, I refer to a ruling by the European Court that if an individual or individuals suffer loss as a direct result of government action, government must make good that loss. (This ruling is as a result of the dispute with Spanish fishermen, but applicable in all circumstances).

Likewise,l+2l-2 and I believe there is a case to answer.f=Zurich Bd BTSYLVIA NOBLE (Mrs), Albert Road, Colne.

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