POLICE closed a busy main road after a six-vehicle pile-up left it littered with glass.

June and Douglas Duncan were taken to Blackburn Royal Infirmary with minor injuries after the accident in Higher Audley Street, Blackburn.

Four of the vehicles involved were taxis belonging to M&M Taxis and were parked on the road outside the business.

PC Dave Mather said: "A Peugeot 309 travelling towards Tommy Balls and a blue Mercedes van coming from Audley towards Copy Nook collided when they tried to get past.

"The road was blocked for about three-quarters of an hour until the vehicles could be towed away."

An eyewitness watching from inside M&M Taxis, added: "The two vehicles were both trying to get through, but there was no space."

The manager of M&M Taxis, Mohammed Khan, said: "We have 20 taxis so we will be able to carry on with business as normal.

"The main thing is that nobody was seriously injured."

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