A CALL for better roadside petrol price signs has been made by Lancashire's chief trading standards officer, Jim Potts

The move follows representations in the House of Commons about East Lancashire garage owner Jim Mole, who charges nearly twice as much for petrol as competitors.

Mr Mole does not advertise the price of four star petrol at his garages across the North West, including the Church filling station on Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle.

The garages charge up to £4.55 a gallon, compared to other prices that can be £2.70 or lower.

Lancashire's Fire Service and Public Protection Committee will be asked to consider options put forward by Mr Potts.

He says the current Price Marking Order should be amended to so that there are compulsory roadside displays of specified fuels or that the price per litre on the pumps should be of a minimum size to ensure adequate prominence.

Members of the committee have been asked to consider making representations to the Association of County Councils and will make their decision at a meeting on Thursday.

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