WORRIED neighbours, who formed a residents' association to fight plans for a block of flats and maisonettes near their homes, seem set to lose the battle.

Objectors say 98 per cent of people living in the immediate area are against plans by Crowther Homes Ltd to redevelop the site of the former Heathfield School in Meins Road, Blackburn.

But Blackburn Council planners say that, in land use terms, the plan for a two and three-storey structure with 17 flats and 10 maisonettes is acceptable.

Protesters hired a town planning consultant to make representations to the council, and sent in 52 letters of objection, the council's planning and highways committee will hear tomorrow .

They say the block would be out of character with the area and would not have enough parking, forcing people to park on busy Meins Road which serves as an access for Westholme school.

Westholme school has also objected, claiming parking on Meins Road is already a problem, and is made worse by parents picking up pupils from Beardwood School.

Netlon Ltd has joined the protest, saying its Meins Road property, Pitarrow, is used on a daily basis as a corporate headquarters to receive clients from around the world.

It says the development would be detrimental and set a precedent for future applications for infill development which would be difficult to resist.

In a report to the committee, planning officers recommend granting permission, subject to trees being protected and the submission of a landscaping scheme.

They say the building will be constructed using a variety of materials to break up the frontage, and 46 car parking spaces will be provide in a basement with a further nine spaces outside.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.