WHAT will they computerise next? For now, it seems, you can get a bit of the other in bytes.

Red hot passion on your PC!

Well, if you work for Rossendale Council, that it is.

It's there to see - on every computer screen in the authority..."You are such a *** loveable rogue and **."

There's lots more of this steamy stuff as well. Talk of trysts at the photo-copier photo and suggestions that the "loveable whoever" cannot contain him or herself.

Obviously, the mystery pair are highly IBM compatible.

Yet, no matter how hard they press the Find button on their keyboards, all staff can discover is that this sizzling silicon-chip message was sent around the town hall by someone in the housing department.

But to whom? That's the burning question that has tongues wagging - though all the boss will say is: "No comment."

It's all down to human error, of course. That of pressing the wrong button - so that all your workmates, not just "loveable rogue," can read what's on your mind.

Still, some of us may regret the computerising of the office romance and yearn for the days when things were done by hand - in private.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.