AS YOU reported (LET, February 28), Blackburn Council once again displays the narrowness of its political dogma and its imposition of political correctness rears its ugly head on the pretext that it is attempting to be a prudent authority.

Here is a town administered by politically-biased fudgers whose prime concern is not the management of the town for all - that being their proper remit - but to pursue socialist policies for the minorities which fall within their vision.

This same council is spending money promoting itself as a tourist centre yet that it fails to use its most prominent asset, Blackburn Museum, in this field, highlights its incompetence and naivety.

They talk of saving money - "talk" being the operative word - but they are erecting lumps of scrap metal in the name of art and are about to deny the populace access to some of the finest collections of art and treasures that the town possesses.

This may have more to do with the brainwashed ideas of Labour on the heritage, history and culture of this country than it has with money.

As they have displayed mismanagement of the town in many areas before, would not the solution be for all the museum's assets and buildings to be in some form of trust, with an agreed amount of money - inflation proof - to be paid by the council on behalf of the people each year towards the running costs?

Let people with a serious interest manage these treasures - and, no doubt, make a success of it.

WALT MEADOWS, Whalley New Road, Blackburn.

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