THE Citizen's own marathon man, Brian Gillibrand, is guaranteed to stand out from the crowd when he takes to the London streets on April 21.

For he will be decked in the familiar tangerine of his beloved Blackpool Football Club.

The 34-year-old is to be presented with the team's strip before Blackpool's home game with Brentford on March 30, and will wear the kit as he represents the club in the London Marathon's Football Challenge.

He will take his place at the start of the race alongside representatives from other football clubs throughout the country.

And with all the extra training he is putting in, Brian, from Wembley Avenue, is a good bet for earning the town a trophy.

He said: "Things are going well at the moment. I now run up Devonshire Road hill to improve my sprinting and I am now aiming to do a two-hour run every week.

"It's hard work but I'm enjoying it."

Brian is getting help with his training from health store Fitness City, in Church Street, which has agreed to supply him with discounts on high protein drink MET-RX.

H said: "It really helps me because I burn off a lot of energy while I'm running and the drink has all the right stuff to replace it and keep me on top.

"I want to say a big thank-you to the store for helping me out."

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