WHEN it comes to guts and determination Mike Pyke has enough for ten men.

He's made a miraculous recovery after shattering both elbows to resume his position as a top wheelchair sports ace.

When he fell out of his wheelchair and broke both elbows in a non-sporting accident Mike's sporting future looked in doubt.

"I was worried because I had only limited movement in my left arm," says Mike, of Green Street, Hindsford.

But courage, physical and mental strength and a lot of effort means he is now fighting back to best form and will be among the North West of England Wheelchair Tennis Club line-up giving a demo at Warrington Indoor Tennis Centre. Mike, of Green Street, Hindsford and Geoff Coombes from Oxford Road, Atherton will join Leigh-born Ray Gainer in the demo to promote the British Nuclear Fuels PLC tournament being staged at Birchwood on May 17-19.

Marathon man Mike is now concentrating on weightlifting and has been amazed at the difference acupuncture has made to his recovery. He hopes a full recovery and all-out effort will earn him an Olympic place.

Meanwhile he and Ray are planning another grueller - a 3,500 mile three month wheelchair trek around the British coastline!

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