A SHINING new star was given a big Blackpool welcome as hundreds of screaming young girls queued up outside HMV record store to meet him.

Heart-throb singer Peter Andre, 22, is a massive hit in his adopted home of Australia and is now on a promotional tour to make it big in the UK.

Crowds of girls waited outside Blackpool's HMV store to meet him this week, screaming, chanting and shouting while the young star prepared to sign merchandise and kiss the girls.

Peter said: "When I was younger this sort of thing was beyond my wildest dreams.

"I lived in England until I was ten and we used to come on holidays to Blackpool.

"I remember the town very well, especially the rides at the Pleasure Beach, and it always brings a smile to my face.

"To be recognised like this here and in the area of London where we used to live is like a dream come true."

Peter's single Only One leapt into the music charts this week, despite being launched just eleven days ago, and could prove to be very successful.

He said: "It is getting there. I don't want to know mid-week results, but I will listen to the radio on the next few Sundays to find out where it is on the charts.

"However well it does, though, I would like to thank everyone who has been so kind to me by coming to see me and buying the record."

Peter now plans to return to Australia for the launch of his next album before touring the UK on a magazine roadshow.

He says: "Things are going very well at the moment and if it stays like this, the sky is the limit."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.