THE mother of a 12 years old Hesketh Fletcher pupil is appealing for the return of a laptop computer used by her son who suffers from learning difficulties.

The computer, an Amstrad Notepad, was stolen after it had been left in Craig Saetta's school bag at a bus stop outside Riley's Snooker Club in Atherton.

The bag, which also contained Craig's school uniform which was later recovered in Atherton Park minus the blazer, had been left while he visited a local shop.

His distraught mum, Hilary, of Richmond Road. Hindley Green, said: "Craig does all his school work on the computer, which cost us about £140, and when it was stolen it contained all his school work for the past few weeks. He has learning difficulties with his handwriting and the school allows him to use the computer at school, so all his work is on it.

"The value of the machine is one thing, but the work is more important, so I am appealing for whoever took it to please return it, or let me know where it is. Craig's bag had also contained his uniform since he had decided to travel home in his PE kit."

A passerby spotted the bag and most of his uniform strewn over the park on Friday, but his computer and blazer are still missing.

Anyone who can help is asked to ring Mrs. Saetta on 01942 206265 or call Hesketh Fletcher School on 01942 882425.

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