TINY tot Shannon Ryan has shown her fighting spirit by bouncing back to health after a year-long trauma of heart surgery.

And her delighted parents are over the moon after hearing last week's three-hour operation should be Shannon's last.

Doctors at Liverpool's Alder Hey Children's Hospital have told her parents that the surgery was a great success.

And Dave and Mandy Ryan are confident final tests on Friday will give their 15-month-old daughter the all-clear.

"She's doing brilliantly and recovered from the operation very quickly," said her proud, but exhausted, dad.

"She had the operation in the afternoon and by 10pm the same day was off the ventilator."

Shannon returned to the family home in Margaret Street, Oswaldtwistle, last Friday, (March 8).

The flame-haired toddler's battle for health is especially poignant as the Ryans' first child, son Connor, died from cot death syndrome.

Dave added: "She's had her stitches out and has to go for final tests at Alder Hey tomorrow (Friday, March 15).

"We can hardly believe the trauma we've faced during the past 18 months is finally over.

"Her mum Mandy and I are giving Shannon plenty of love and cuddles because she's been through such a lot."

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