WHEN it comes to the life of pop idol Sir Cliff Richard, Lowton woman Barbara Byrne is perhaps his most loyal fan.

For she has travelled as far as Australia more than once to watch all his concerts, and each year travels thousands of miles around Britain and Europe to see him.

Her persistence has paid off, for she has even developed a friendship with Cliff which sees her idol sending her a Christmas card each year.

And Cliff even sent her mother a get well card after she took ill recently.

So it was not surprising to see Barbara, of Edgerton Road, turn up in Manchester when Cliff visited the city to launch his starring role as Heathcliff in the musical based on the novel by Emily Bronte.

The musical will see him play the anti-hero in the £3.5 million production, with most of the cash coming from Cliff himself.

Barbara said: "I know it will be difficult to imagine him playing Heathcliffe, the opposite to what Cliff is in real life, but I am confident he can do it. He is confident he can do it too, and he has put up the money to prove it.

"I never tire of watching him and I am looking forward to attending as many concerts as possible this year as well as looking forward to his performance in Heathcliff at the Palace Theatre next year"

Barbara added: "I'll be attending as many shows as I can, and I think Cliff would be surprised if I didn't turn up, he's so used to seeing me at his shows!"

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